Buffalo District Golf Association
Registration for the 2018 season is now open on the new Buffalo District Golf Association web site. The URL is www.buffalogolf.org. Replace the old one (this Wix site) with the new one in your saved items. CLICK HERE to go directly to the 2018 tournament schedule and registration.
Visit www.buffalogolf.org to register for 2018 BDGA events.
Congratulations to Jacob Dantonio on being the Sub-Junior Player of the year. His excellent play in the BDGA Sub-Junior competitions earned him this spot.
Congratulations to Ian Wagner on being the Junior Player of the year. His excellent play in the BDGA Junior competitions earned him this spot.
Gator Greens - One of the many companies and organizations that sponsor the BDGA. Go to our "Sponsors" page to link to their website.
Congratulations to Jacob Dantonio on being the Sub-Junior Player of the year. His excellent play in the BDGA Sub-Junior competitions earned him this spot.
We are currently upgrading our website and registration program. Registration target date is March 1. Thank you for your patience.
Upcoming Championships booked for 2018:
2 Person Scramble - May 7 @ Fox Valley CC
Men's, Women's and Sr Men's Match Play - May 15-18 @ River Oaks CC
Men's Senior Scratch - May 20 @ Cherry Hill Club
Men's Mid-Am - June 18 at Crag Burn CC
Erie County Amateur - July 7, 8 at Grover Cleveland
Men's and Women's Individual Championship - Aug 16-18 @ Brookfield CC
(Women play 17th and 18th)
The Junior and Sub-Junior Boy's and Girl's Championships:
Match Play - July 9, 10, 11 at Sheridan GC
Stroke Play - July 16, 17 at Elma Meadows GC
Erie County Am - July 7, 8 at Grover Cleveland GC
Junior Division - Ian Wagner (Shelridge CC)
Sub-Junior Division - Jacob Dantonio (Crag Burn CC)
Senior Men's - Dan Irwin (Country Club of Buffalo)
Men's - Billy Hanes (Crag Burn CC)
Note: Registration using a phone will not work.

To see more images go to www.BuffaloGolfer.com