Buffalo District Golf Association
Registration for the 2018 season is now open on the new Buffalo District Golf Association web site. The URL is www.buffalogolf.org. Replace the old one (this Wix site) with the new one in your saved items. CLICK HERE to go directly to the 2018 tournament schedule and registration.
Visit www.buffalogolf.org to register for 2018 BDGA events.
The Buffalo District Golf Association offers at least one new college scholarship
each year. Each scholarship is worth a maximum of $1,000. The number of scholarships given and the amount of each is determined by the fundraising efforts of the BDGA and the sponsorships donated by the people, businesses and organizations in the BDGA area. See the "Sponsors" page for sponsorship information.
The scholarships are available to scholar/athletes who have participated in BDGA events. BDGA scholar/athletes are encouraged to fill out the Scholarship Application that can be downloaded from this page. Applications must be returned to the BDGA on or before June 30.