Buffalo District Golf Association
Registration for the 2018 season is now open on the new Buffalo District Golf Association web site. The URL is www.buffalogolf.org. Replace the old one (this Wix site) with the new one in your saved items. CLICK HERE to go directly to the 2018 tournament schedule and registration.
Visit www.buffalogolf.org to register for 2018 BDGA events.
BDGA Officers
President - Robert Rosen, Country Club of Buffalo
Vice President - Nick Amigone III, Transit Valley CC
Secretary/Treasurer - Nick Morreale, Niagara Falls CC
Executive Director
Mark Rydza, Tan Tara Country Club
Board of Directors
Bill Larkin, Brighton Park GC
PJ Alterio, Niagara Falls CC
John Burns, Niagara Falls CC
Mike Lauber, Springville CC
Kyle Henzel, Bartlett CC
Vinny Lazzara, Associate Member
Jim Mohan, Sheridan Park GC
Tim DiGuilio, Transit Valley CC
Ron Montesano, Associate Member
Brian Duffett, Cherry Hill Club
Jeff Frey, WNY Publinx
Jamie Miller, Wanakah CC
Lori Potter, East Aurora CC
Dirk Roth, Cherry Hill CC
Dan Antonucci (PGA), Niagara Frontier CC
Frank LaForce (PGA, Crag Burn CC
Course Ratings Chair. - Tom Sprague 716.634.0119
Rules Chairman - Whitey Nichols 716.632.1936
Purpose of the Organization
The purpose of the Buffalo District Golf Association shall be: (1) to promote in any way possible the best interests and good fellowship of the game of amateur golf; (2) to foster local golf interests by conducting golf tournaments and by sponsoring individuals and teams in regional/national/international golf competition; (3) to provide financial assistance for junior golfers by establishing a scholarship fund program; (4) to educate amateurs in the intricacies of the game by sponsoring seminars and clinics; and (5) to cooperate with USGA and NYSGA sponsored programs.
The Board of Directors is voted upon by the membership at the Annual Meeting in the spring of each year. This Board is responsible for appointing an Executive Director who is a part-time salaried employee and directs the BDGA office in the WNYPGA building. The President’s Advisory Board, the Course Rating Committee, the Friday League Junior/Sub-Junior/Girls Interclub administrators and all other tournament starters/marshals/scorers, rules interpreters, and numerous other volunteers serve the member clubs and the BDGA when called upon.
The BDGA is chartered by the USGA to administer the USGA handicap system throughout the association. The BDGA provides the membership with handicapping information, course rating service, course measurement service, and other information as needed. All BDGA volunteers work closely with and under the guidelines of the USGA and the NYSGA organizations. We will also advise any groups of individuals that wish to become a member “club” in the BDGA based upon USGA regulations for same.
The BDGA provides competitions for golfers of all ages and abilities who have joined the local member clubs. An extensive Junior program is in place (see Junior Golf Programs.) We sponsor a Senior Gross and Net tournament for those 55 years of age and older…a scratch better-ball event for two-man teams of any handicap level…a six-man team event limited to three two-man sub-teams from the same club …a men’s individual championship and women’s individual championship for low handicap male and female golfers…a father/son/ tournament which is one of our oldest events … the Mr. and Mrs. Championship, a popular alternate-shot format, a new Mens-Mid Am…and a season-opening men’s match play championship for the top sixteen golfers from the previous year’s Men’s points list. Season-long point lists for men, women, juniors, and sub-juniors are used to determine Player of the Year honors in each category.
Junior / Sub Junior Program
The BDGA is committed to the fact that junior golfers, both male and female, are essential to the growth and perpetuation of the game at our district clubs. We make every attempt to encourage young people to make golf an important part of their lives. Since 1976, the BDGA has sponsored one of the finest junior golf programs in the country. A popular Stroke Play Championship and a Match Play Championship are conducted annually for both Juniors and Sub-Juniors and are open to boys and girls. Teams from over 30 clubs in the BDGA play in “ Friday League” Interclub events in a round-robin format with the champion teams in each division as well as the individual league medalists competing in a season-ending stroke play overall championship. A girls’ division for both 18 hole and 9 hole players provides competition for all who do not make their club league team.
Tournament and competition results provide administrators with necessary data to select the best Juniors and Sub-juniors for Interdistrict events between Buffalo-Syracuse-Rochester teams as well as any other such state or national events deemed appropriate by the Board.
The BDGA established a Junior Scholarship program in 1976 that has provided college financial assistance to over 250 young people, male and female, from our member clubs. Students who participate in the Junior Golf Program of the BDGA, maintain an 85% average in high school, and are in the upper one-third of their graduating class are eligible to apply for a scholarship. The program is funded from club dues and tournament entry fees each year
Additional Services
The BDGA is chartered by the USGA to initiate the Reinstatement to Amateur Status process for those who wish to officially become amateur players once again. We also provide course ratings or re-ratings to member clubs through a staff of trained and certified USGA course-rating experts at no charge to the club. This group will provide a laser distance survey of your course to update any measurements of holes, tees, etc. And, of course, we are only a phone call away to answer any other procedural or rules questions!
Why Your Club / Group Should Join the BDGA
In summary, by joining the BDGA, your golf club or group will be able to take advantage of:
Liaison of the USGA and NYSGA – The BDGA acts as the local contact organization of the United States Golf Association and New York State Golf Association for the clubs in WNY. Much of the information needed by local clubs will go through the BDGA. The BDGA represents its member clubs when collaborating with these organizations.
Course Ratings – The BDGA has been assigned by the USGA to rate the courses in the WNY area. Course ratings are free to member courses of the BDGA. A “course rating” is physically going to the course and determining the difficulty level of a course (through USGA guidelines). Accurate updated course ratings are essential as they are the basis for all golfers’ handicaps.
Tournaments – The BDGA annually conducts on average 15 tournaments. Tournaments exist for all golfers – juniors, seniors, men, women and golfers of all playing ability levels. Please see our website (buffdga.org) for a complete schedule.
Junior Golf – The BDGA host several junior tournaments. Additionally, the BDGA give annual scholarships to college bound junior golfers (451 scholarships have been given over the last several decades worth just under $500,000). The BDGA also runs an inter-club league, which is a junior (18 and under) competition among courses in the area. Leagues are formed in which teams from courses play against each other. This is free for the juniors to participate in.
Handicaps – The NYSGA is the organization that generates a golfer’s handicap through the GHIN (Golf Handicapping and Information Network) system, but the BDGA acts as the local contact for all handicap questions and inquiries.
Rules – The USGA is the governing body for the rules of golf, but the BDGA can provide assistance with any rule situation. The BDGA can also provide rules officials for major tournaments in the area. The BDGA also makes sure the rules for amateur status are adhered by.
Miscellaneous Assistance for Clubs – Any situation pertaining to running tournaments, setting up a course, or basically anything else to do with golf, the BDGA is there to help. We can answer questions or contact the proper individuals to provide answers to any golf situation that may come up at individual clubs.
Whether your organization is affiliated with a private club, semi-private club, public course, or is a non-home course group of dedicated golfers, you have much to gain by joining the Buffalo District Golf Association. We would love to welcome you into our 76 club/group family…why not join NOW?.